CASE STUDY How Business Process Alignment supported project success in a Ukrainian trade industrial group

BPA case study


Our client, one of the largest trade industrial groups in Ukraine and a leading retailer with over 700 outlets nationwide, sought to enhance their employee training and development programs. With diverse business interests spanning food production, banking, IT, logistics, and restaurants, they faced significant challenges in managing the training and development needs of their employees across all industries.

The group wanted to implement an HCM system to provide a centralized platform for recruiting and onboarding new employees, managing their training and development, as well as measuring their performance and conducting compensation-related activities.

They partnered with eConsulting, a provider of HCM solutions as the largest Cornerstone OnDemand (CSOD) partner in Europe with a team of 60 highly qualified consultants with over 500 certifications, along with Cornerstone OnDemand, a leading provider of cloud-based learning and talent management software solutions.

Scope of work

The most challenging part of the project was Business Process Alignment (BPA), which marked the beginning of the project. BPA involved extensive collaboration with the client to analyze their unique processes. Due to the client’s involvement in a variety of specialized firms, their processes varied greatly.

Our goal was to identify commonalities and create a unified system framework. This process encompassed deliberations on the system’s functionalities, such as email notifications, approval workflows, instructor management, etc. We collaborated to create a comprehensive map of their essential system requirements, which was a pivotal step in ensuring that the system met their needs. Clarifying how the client envisions the system while comprehending how it operates required dedicated communication and explanation. It was essential to convey the feasibility of their ideas and explain the steps required for implementation.

Upon the completion of BPA, we commenced the implementation phase. We organized our work by holding meetings every Thursday to discuss progress and accomplishments. Additionally, we had a separate meeting once a week with a CSOD representative to discuss project updates and address any changes in priorities.

The project was designed to be executed in two phases. In the initial phase, we successfully implemented four modules:

  • CSOD Core module implementation: This module serves as the backbone of the system, defining fundamental aspects such as user creation, login page design, menu configuration, button settings, and more.
  • CSOD Learning module implementation: This module serves as a centralized platform for the governance, assignment, automation, and tracking of required training, offering personalized virtual or in-person training experiences to support employees’ growth.
  • CSOD Performance module implementation: This module facilitates evaluating employees’ performance and assessing their goals.
  • CSOD Recruiting module implementation: A system designed to meet the client’s recruiting needs, helping them find the right people and matching them to suitable roles, providing an end-to-end experience from job browsing to signing offer letters.

In addition, we completed the following:

  • Inbound Data Feed / Edge Import – Organizational Unit (IDF User/OU): This integral function allowed for the loading of users and the entire organizational structure into the system, thereby populating essential data into the system’s framework and ensuring seamless integration.
  • Single Sign-On (SSO) – Custom OAuth 2.0 – A custom SSO project was developed in collaboration with CSOD and implemented in response to the client’s specific requirements. After which the client realized that they needed another, separate custom SSO for a different environment, and we efficiently allocated resources to deliver this additional solution.
  • Web Services
  • Custom Login Page (CLP)
  • Welcome Page – Template Design Package: Our specialists provided the client with technical requirements, ensuring that the system’s design aligned with the client’s branding.
  • Outsourced Administration (OA): The project team allocated additional hours to accommodate the client’s supplementary ideas beyond the project’s initial scope
  • Configuration Workbook Modules implemented over the Phase 1: This comprehensive document described the system’s entire architecture and configuration, serving as a reference for system reconstruction and replication in case of server failures.

Furthermore, addressing the client’s needs for system management and reporting, we conducted a Security Roles & Permissions Workshop and a Reporting 2.0 Workshop.

Regrettably, due to unforeseen circumstances involving the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the project was suspended at the end of Phase 1 and is yet to resume.

For the second phase, the planned tasks include:

  • CSOD Onboarding Module Implementation
  • CSOD Compensation Module Implementation
  • Business Consulting – Business Process Alignment (BPA) for the second phase
  • Dedicated Admin Training
  • Configuration Workbook creation for the modules to be implemented over the course of Phase 2 

The sequence of tasks for each phase was recommended by our team, as we recognized that the client required additional time to prepare for modules such as compensation and onboarding. In order to execute the project with maximum efficiency, we proposed this action plan.


During the period of Outsourced Administration, eConsulting served as the point of contact for all requests beyond the original contract. In light of the current geopolitical circumstances and the suspension of the project, it becomes challenging to quantify specific benefits for the client resulting from the implementation. However, our client has expressed great appreciation for the following aspects:

  • Accessibility: We maintained exceptional availability, ensuring we were readily accessible even for ad-hoc meetings.
  • Swift responsiveness: Our team exhibited a prompt response time, consistently delivering solutions or answers in a remarkably short timeframe.
  • Language flexibility: We accommodated language barriers by providing services in the client’s preferred language, facilitating effective communication and support.
  • Adherence to deadlines: We consistently met all project deadlines, reinforcing our commitment to delivering results in a timely and reliable manner.

This project underscores the significance of successful Business Process Alignment, a critical factor for achieving success. If your organization requires assistance in establishing processes, visualizing them, and evaluating their value, feel free to contact us:,business-process-alignment-workshop.


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