OUR privacy policy


This document constitutes the privacy policy of eConsulting Sp. z o.o. with its registered office at ul. Kochanowskiego 3, 05-802 Pruszków (hereinafter referred to as “eConsulting”). The privacy policy of eConsulting (hereinafter: the “Policy”) defines the rules, methods of processing, and use of data and information obtained from candidates, clients, and users of all eConsulting-owned websites: namely www.econsulting.pl and www.ecvalidation.pl.

Please carefully review the content of the Policy. By accessing or using any website belonging to eConsulting and by submitting any personal data to us through the contact form provided on eConsulting’s websites and by familiarizing yourself with the content of this Policy, the User accepts the terms of this Policy and confirms that they have read its content.


Personal Data – means Personal Data within the meaning of the GDPR, i.e., any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. These data directly or indirectly identify an individual regarding the name, email address, or telephone number of the individual, and other data which, in combination with the above, can identify the User.

GDPR – means Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), pursuant to which eConsulting processes Users’ Personal Data.

Specialist – a job candidate offered by eConsulting to its clients.

User – a job candidate, newsletter subscriber, contest participant, person asking a question, person interested in a commercial offer, training participant, person recommending a friend for a job, person visiting eConsulting’s websites.

Services – shall be understood as services provided by eConsulting electronically, via the website, including: subscribing to the newsletter, submitting inquiries through the contact form, sending documents necessary in the recruitment process, registering for contests, registering for training sessions and conferences.


By providing their Personal Data on the website www.econsulting.pl and other websites belonging to eConsulting, the User confirms that they have the necessary permissions to disclose personal data, which will be used by eConsulting as described in this Policy.


The Data Controller of the Personal Data of Users provided in connection with the use of eConsulting’s websites, particularly in relation to conducting recruitment processes, commercial activities, conducting training sessions, sending marketing information (including newsletters), accepting registrations for conferences, events, and using other services included on the website, is eConsulting Sp. z o.o. located at ul. Kochanowskiego 3, 05-802 Pruszków, telephone: 22 205 08 60.


The Data Controller processes Personal Data for the purpose of:

Sending Users commercial and marketing information, including the eConsulting newsletter, to the email addresses provided by them, provided that the User has given consent to receive them. In the case of sending newsletters, the legal basis for processing Personal Data is the User’s consent (Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR).

Consent to sending Users unsolicited commercial information in accordance with Article 10 of the Act on Provision of Electronic Services is expressed by Users independently and separately. Sending Users responses to inquiries previously sent through the contact form to the email addresses or phone numbers provided by them.

In the case of contacting Users to provide a response, the legal basis for processing Personal Data is the consent of each User to the processing of Personal Data (Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR).

Consideration of the job application submitted by the User and potential conduct of the recruitment process by eConsulting, following prior consent by the User to the processing of data contained in the CV or form by eConsulting.

In the case of processing Personal Data for the purpose of considering a job application, the legal basis is the consent of each User to the processing of Personal Data (Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR).

Organization and conduct of competitions, conferences, and meetings by eConsulting.
In the case of competitions, the legal basis for processing Personal Data is the User’s consent to the processing of Personal Data (Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR). Organization and conduct of open and dedicated training sessions.

In the case of training sessions, the legal basis for processing Personal Data is the agreement for the provision of training services concluded with eConsulting by submitting the order form (Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR).


In accordance with Chapter III, Articles 15-21 of the GDPR, the User has the following rights regarding the processing of their Personal Data by eConsulting:
  • Right of access to their Personal Data,
  • Right to rectification of processed data,
  • Right to erasure of data (“right to be forgotten”),
  • Right to restriction of processing of data,
  • Right to data portability,
  • Right to object to further processing of data,
  • Right not to be subject to decisions based solely on automated processing, including profiling.


The exercise of each of the above rights occurs upon the User’s request. eConsulting considers the submitted request and sends a response within 1 month from the date of receipt of the request.

As part of these rights, the User may withdraw consent for further processing of Personal Data for purposes requiring consent at any time, with the proviso that the withdrawal of consent does not affect the legality of the use of personal data in actions taken based on consent before its withdrawa


eConsulting conducts recruitment for its own needs as well as for clients it serves, such as the service of providing Specialists. Therefore, we inform you that the User’s data may also be processed by eConsulting’s clients, as mentioned in the job advertisement, indicating that we are conducting recruitment for a client. At the same time, we inform you that by consenting to the recruitment processes, this consent will apply both to recruitment for specific positions included in the job advertisement and to future recruitments. This means that we will store Personal Data in our database to send information about job offers tailored to the User’s profile and professional experience. The User may withdraw consent for further processing at any time, in accordance with Chapter VII of this Policy, which does not affect the legal use of personal data in actions taken based on consent before its withdrawal.

Personal data of the User may also be processed in the situation of the User being recommended by a referrer. In this case, the referrer enters their own data as well as the data of the recommended person and submits a CV alongside the User’s data. eConsulting verifies the CV of the recommended person received from the referrer in terms of the recommended person’s consent to the processing of Personal Data, meeting the requirements of GDPR. If consent has been obtained, eConsulting is authorized to utilize this data for recruitment processes.


By submitting an inquiry or registering for a training, conference, or other event organized by eConsulting, the User may consent to the processing of Personal Data for the purpose of receiving marketing information about eConsulting’s offered products and services, including newsletters. The consent may be withdrawn at any time, subject to the principles outlined in Chapter VII of this Policy.


In the case of organizing trainings (open or dedicated) by eConsulting for eConsulting clients and any interested individuals, eConsulting will process the Personal Data of Users registering for participation in the trainings, to the extent necessary to carry out matters related to the trainings.


  1. At eConsulting, profiling takes place understood as a form of automated processing of personal data, involving the use of certain user data. The acquired data includes, among others, information from social media profiles, location, and data provided by users using forms on the eConsulting website.
  2. Analysis of user behavior while using the website is anonymous, and based on the acquired data, the user cannot be identified.
  3. Profiling enables us to:
    * make a more informed and better-tailored selection of job offers, matching the skills and experience of users (in the case of job candidates at eConsulting),
    * tailor commercial offers to the needs of the user,
    * adjust the sent marketing and advertising materials to the interests and needs of the users.
  4. The user may object to profiling at any time, but this entails the inability to receive marketing and commercial information or to receive new job offers tailored to their profile and professional experience.


eConsulting uses Apollo.io to track code in order to identify businesses visiting our websites based on their corporate IP addresses. This is not the same as cookies. Under no circumstances the data will be used for the personal identification of specific visitors. Apollo.io tool provides information on which companies have visited our website, the date and duration of the visit, and the pages visited.


eConsulting has implemented appropriate security measures (organizational and technical) aimed at protecting Personal Data from loss, improper use, unlawful processing, or modification. The Administrator undertakes to protect all information disclosed by Users in accordance with security standards and confidentiality requirements. Access to Users’ Personal Data has been strictly restricted to prevent such information from falling into the hands of unauthorized persons. Access to Personal Data is limited to authorized eConsulting employees.

eConsulting is authorized to disclose data to authorized entities based on relevant legal provisions.


At the first visit to the www.ecvalidation.pl and www.econsulting.pl websites, the user is informed about the use of cookies. By remaining on the website, the user accepts the use of cookies. Failure to change the browser settings on the user’s side is equivalent to consenting to the use of cookies.

The installation of cookies is necessary for the proper provision of services in the Online Store. Cookies contain information necessary for the proper functioning of the website, especially those requiring authorization. The user can change their browser settings regarding the handling and storage of cookies at any time.

The user has the option to block the storage of cookies by making appropriate changes to their internet browser settings. Disabling cookies may affect the functioning of the website. Failure to change browser settings implies acceptance of the cookies used.


The user undertakes that: their use of the Services obtained from eConsulting will not violate any laws or the rights of third parties, including copyrights, industrial property rights, trade secrets, or personal rights; they will not use the Services, Devices, or Products of third parties in a manner inconsistent with their intended purpose or exceeding the technical parameters indicated in the Service Specification; they will not use the Services to disseminate content of a terrorist nature.

The user acknowledges that in the event it is necessary to take appropriate preventive action, eConsulting may temporarily block access to the Services or modify the Service.

By Regulation on combating the dissemination of terrorist content online (EU 2021/784) and illegal content in accordance with the Regulation on the Single Market for Digital Services and amending Directive 2000/31/EC (Digital Services Act; EU 2022/2065).

eConsulting has designated an electronic contact point related to the Service for direct communication with the competent authorities of the Member States, the Commission, the Digital Services Council: gdpr@econsulting.co. The same contact point can be used by the User for direct and swift communication with the Administrator. Communication can be conducted in Polish or English.


In the event that the User submits an inquiry through the contact form, eConsulting will collect the data entered in the form, including the provided contact information, to respond to the inquiry and any further questions.

eConsulting will process any data entered into the contact form only with the consent pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR.
The User may withdraw their consent at any time. Data processed prior to the User’s request may still be processed lawfully.


Due to the development and progress of technology, as well as changing legal regulations, the rules outlined in this Privacy Policy may change. Users will be informed of any changes to these rules by posting new content of this document on the website https://econsulting.co/privacy-policy/

Request a consultation

Do not hesitate to contact us to get the best services! Call us or you can leave your number below and we will contact you.

Michał Mroczkiewicz CONTACT FORM

Marianna Demczuk-Ignys CONTACT FORM

Julia Janowska CONTACT FORM