Cloud Services
Business in the Cloud works better.

We’ve been providing IT services for over 20 years. With dozens of satisfied clients and hundreds of completed projects, we know how to tailor solutions to a company’s individual needs.

Enterprise-level Kubernetes services
Scope of services

Enterprise - level Kubernetes services

We provide comprehensive services around Kubernetes, spanning configuration, management, and troubleshooting. With experience in dealing with a wide range of scenarios in various environments, we guarantee an in-depth understanding of the problem and a result-focused approach. Common services include:

  • ensuring 24/7 support and incident response in case of a sudden event, such as the departure of the platform’s chief admin,
  • performing automated environment migration across clusters,
  • implementing low cost AKS clusters with Terraform.

Kubernetes audit and up-to-date upgrades

We’ll help you take your DevOps to the next level with audit-based Kubernetes upgrades. Our experts will provide you with in-depth insights and implement customized enhancements to suit your technology needs and business goals. Key services include:

  • installation audit (eg. VM, network, and ingress configuration),
  • administrative audit (eg. namespace, RBAC, monitoring, secrets management)
  • IaC implementation (eg. Terraform, Ansible),
  • implementing best practice industry solutions (e.g., service mesh, push CI/CD)
  • introducing SRE practices for your platform (e.g., monitoring and alerting, distributed tracing, uniform logging, canary releases),
  • implementing a cloud-native development platform , enabling engineers to emulate the production environment as closely as possible at the development stage.

Seamless cloud migration

Leveraging our +20-year experience in the field, we’ll move your business to the cloud as smoothly as possible. We’ll provide you with a custom-tailored migration strategy and ensure a hassle-free transition to the new environment. Our cloud migration services include:

  • CI/CD script writing,
  • building complex CI/CD pipelines: development, testing, security scanning, stage promotion, rollback,
  • application rewriting (outsourcing),
  • app migration from a cloud-illiterate to a cloud-native environment,
  • implementing cloud-agnostic solutions (e.g., migrating from Cosmos DB to PostgreSQL, or from Kinesis to Kafka),
  • architectural solutions, e.g., moving from Docker Compose/Swarm to Kubernetes,
  • developing project infrastructure with Terraform,
  • building an enterprise-ready AKS cluster with robust CI/CD pipelines,
  • conducting migration from dedicated virtual machines to the Kubernetes environment,
  • cloud-native microservices,
  • comprehensive cloud consulting,
  • advising on solutions to meet GDPR and GMP requirements.

DevOps-related mentoring and training for IT teams

To fully harness cloud technology for the benefit of your business, you need a cloud-savvy team of employees. When implementing cloud solutions, we provide full-scope mentoring for your IT personnel. The training is tailored to address the company’s individual needs and fit the existing technological environment. Typically, our guidance includes:

  • transition to Infrastructure as Code,
  • implementing the GitOps approach,
  • implementing modern technologies using best practices, such as Kubernetes, Kafka, Argo CD, or buildpack,
  • determining team roles and responsibilities.

Modern application scalability solutions

Scaling is a must, as application grows in time. To effectively deal with an increasing load of requests, the system needs to be adjusted to accommodate rising demands. We’ll handle the scalability optimization in the most efficient manner with proven methods and techniques, such as:

  • migration from standard virtual machines to Kubernetes,
  • Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) implementation for each application,
  • migrating traditionally implemented applications to Kubernetes for scalability,
  • metric-based load balancing and autoscaling.

Cloud-based cost optimization

Cloud migration done right can drive cost-efficiency into your business operations. With cloud-based solutions, we’ll help you reduce your IT maintenance costs without compromising functionality or quality. If you already run a cloud environment, we can make it even more efficient by identifying mismanaged and idle resources to eliminate waste and reduce overall cloud spending. Depending on your needs, approaches and specific operations may include:

  • migration from on-premises virtual machines to the cloud, e.g., Azure VM or Kubernetes,
  • need-based component sizing,
  • moving applications within the existing infrastructure to eliminate idle resources,
  • replacing the existing machines with the ones optimal for the application’s needs,
  • mass storage overview and optimization, e.g., by implementing cold storage archiving,
  • implementing spot virtual machines for non-critical applications,
  • deploying temporary for-testing environments instead of continuous environments to reduce costs,
  • turning off unused resources automatically at night and during weekends to generate savings of over 20%.

Independence from cloud provider

Vendor independence puts you in control of your operations and provides greater flexibility to design your cloud environment in accordance with your business objectives. We’ll guide you through the transition process and move your operations to secure, scalable, and reliable solutions supporting your applications. Suggested options include:

  • migrating from proprietary, licensed databases like SQL Server to open source solutions like MariaDB or PostgreSQL,
  • migrating from vendor-specific databases like Azure Cosmos DB or AWS Aurora or AWS DynamoDB to open source platforms like CouchDB or OpenSearch,
  • migrating message queues from proprietary cloud-only solutions like AWS Kinesis or Azure Event Grid to open source solutions like Kafka or RabbitMQ,
  • migrating manual or vendor-specific (EKS, AKS, GKS) kubernetes installations to independent solutions like Kubespray or Rancher,
  • migrating from expensive vendor specific logging and monitoring like AWS CloudWatch or Azure Application Insights to cloud agnostic solutions like Prometheus, Grafana, Sentry, or ELK Stack.

CI/CD process optimization

Continuous integration and continuous delivery are crucial for successful DevOps and reducing time to market. Streamlining CI/CD pipeline contributes to higher efficiency and improving overall performance. We’ll analyze your needs and optimize your CI/CD processes with the most relevant approach. Options to consider include:

  • code build optimization: implementing cache, stage promotion, dependency proxy, etc.,
  • test run optimization: implementing parallel testing (including multi-machine testing with up to tenfold acceleration),
  • implementing DevSecOps: vulnerability scanning, supply chain security,
  • resilient deployments: automatic deployment and rollback, including Canary release.

Pharmacy and medical devices

Compliance plays a fundamental role in the pharmaceutical and medical device industries. With over 20-year experience in both fields and a dedicated compliance department, we are adequately qualified to guide our clients through the most complex regulatory requirements. Our compliance-related services include:

  • industry-relevant cloud environment validation,
  • ensuring compliance of the cloud environment audited by a third party,
  • maintaining the platform in a validated state,
  • both technical and compliance-focused platform audits.

Validation in the DevOPs model

Staying up-to-date with quality standards can be challenging. We’ll make it easy for you by ensuring that your environment operates in accordance with the latest guidelines and specifications at every stage of the DevOps lifecycle. Our engagement includes:

  • shifting left compliance implementation,
  • fast/short? software quality feedback loop,
  • avoid costly several-week-long software validation before a rollout,
  • quality processes automation,
  • audit-oriented quality assurance.

How does cooperation work?

Managed services

  • Based on an analysis of your needs, we agree on detailed rules of cooperation and assign a team of experts available for your project within the agreed timeframe.
  • We manage the circulation of information between specialists, teams, and departments, in such a way as to ensure efficient communication and minimize the risk of errors, misunderstandings, or conflicts.
  • We also make sure that at each stage of cooperation, at least two people with excellent knowledge of the environment are involved in the project.
  • If necessary, we also provide support outside standard working hours.
  • Managed services relieve you of the need to manage competencies and allow you to focus on business development.

Projects / Project Outsourcing

  • During meetings and discovery calls, we get acquainted with the requirements and objectives of your project.
  • Together we define its scope and agree on how to implement it.
  • We work in an agile manner and take into account the evolution of your needs.
  • At every stage of the collaboration, you have a say in its progress and results.
  • The responsibility for managing the team rests with us.
  • We also provide all the technical resources necessary for the project. This way you don’t have to worry about staffing issues or operational details and can focus on strategy.

Team augmentation

  • We get acquainted with the needs and requirements of existing teams.
  • On this basis, we select specialists and present you a list of the most optimal candidates.You can interview each of the proposed people to make the final choice.
  • We take care of the comfort of our specialists, but if any of them decides to leave the project, we immediately provide you with a new employee with analogous competence.
  • We bill our team augmentation service on an hourly basis.
  • We also provide specialists on a part-time basis.

Michał Dębski


Graduate of Warsaw University of Technology with 10 years of experience in software development projects. From embedded devices and browser engines to logistics systems, IoT, and geoTracing, to various vendors’ cloud infrastructure and DevOps. He has worked with teams from around the world for leaders in industries such as consumer electronics, logistics, and life science. Privately an enthusiast and contributor to open-source projects. He appreciates people who are committed to the work they do, take responsibility for it, are curious about other solutions, and don’t just lock into the known and liked.

How do we choose the team?

In IT, the value of an employee is not determined by the number of certifications he or she holds or even by seniority. Experience and skills are key, but not enough. When selecting specialists for our teams, we pay attention to their competence and level of commitment: willingness to develop, readiness to take on new challenges, and conscientiousness. Since eConsulting’s employees come from a variety of IT disciplines, our staff includes experts with a wide range of specialties, also covering non-technical fields. This allows us to provide employees who can support our clients in almost any IT project. Our staff’s wide range of competencies also allows us to propose the most optimal approach in the context of the client’s business needs – instead of the costly creation of solutions from scratch.



  • Kubernetes
  • Red Hat OpenShift
  • Security: DevSecOps
  • Validated/GxP environments
  • Azure DevOps Services
  • DevOps on Google Cloud Platform
  • DevOps Tooling by AWS
  • Multicloud setups
  • Hybrid Cloud environments

Creates value by automating your infrastructure, and building development pipelines that will reduce waiting time, and increase release frequency. Our DevOps work with a number of different environments, from on premise to cloud, and can help you choose, and build a solution that will fit your needs. With us, your developers can spend more time developing, and less time configuring infrastructure.


Design and create a secure cloud infrastructure to meet your organization’s needs. Our architects will split your cloud into accounts, environments, and virtual networks to ensure responsibility segregation and a small blast radius. While our engineers will optimize cost at the same time keeping the performance on the optimal level.


Create resilient, performant, and secure clusters for your application needs. Our experts advise on tooling around Kubernetes, development tools, and SRE practices. We emphasize monitoring, and visibility, so your clusters work flawlessly. If you are afraid to commit to using Kubernetes within your organization, we can walk you through it, and ensure it is a success.


Let us be your success Partner!

Marianna Demczuk-Ignyś Business Development Manager

Michał Mroczkiewicz Business Development Manager

Request a consultation

Do not hesitate to contact us to get the best services! Call us or you can leave your number below and we will contact you.

Marianna Demczuk-Ignys CONTACT FORM

Michał Mroczkiewicz CONTACT FORM

Julia Janowska CONTACT FORM